Zagreb EUDC 2014: August 19 – Round 1 – 3

doorEUDC, WUDC and WSDC Reporter

Zagreb EUDC 2014: August 19 – Round 1 – 3

zagrebAnd we’re off! The first day of Zagreb EUDC started with -as some said- difficult motions. Here are the motions for the first three rounds as well as the results (as far as known) of the Dutch delegation.

If you see any mistakes or missing items we apologise for the inconvenience. Please find one of our people on site or send us a facebook message and we’ll sure correct it as soon as possible.

R1 motion reads: THW pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child’s performance in school.

R2 motion reads: TH supports two-party political systems over multi-party political systems.

R3 motion reads: THW ban international aid charities from using sensational, graphic or emotional images of suffering in fundraising and advertising.

Bonaparte A: 0-3-2

Groningen A: 2-1-?

Leiden A: 3-3-0

Leiden B: 3-1-3

Leiden C: 2-3-0

Maastricht A: 3-0-3

Maastricht B: 1-2-3

Roosevelt A: 0-0-3

Utrecht A: 2-3-0

Utrecht B: unkown

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EUDC, WUDC and WSDC Reporter author