Categorie Archief EK / WK

doorNederlandse Debatbond

Nederland behaalt finale Europees Kampioenschap Debatteren

Begin augustus werd het jaarlijkse Europese Kampioenschap debatteren voor studenten georganiseerd. Deze editie vond plaats in Novi Sad, in het Noorden van Servie. Bij het EK debatteren komen studenten uit heel Europa samen om te debatteren over allerlei onderwerpen. De studenten doen mee in teams van twee. Grote namen zoals de universiteiten van Oxford en Cambridge zijn vertegenwoordigd, maar ook veel Nederlandse universiteiten doen mee aan dit evenement.

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doorNederlandse Debatbond

Preview EUDC 2018 Novi Sad

Written by Jelte Schievels

Over slechts twee dagen komen debaters uit heel Europa samen in het Servische Novi Sad voor het grootste studentenevenement van het continent: de European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC, ook vaak ‘Euros’ genoemd). Onder deze teams bevinden zich ook aardig wat Nederlanders dit jaar. Tijd voor SevenTwenty om de balans op te maken: wat is EUDC precies (handig voor vrienden en familie), wie zijn de Nederlandse teams, en wat kunnen jullie de rest van het toernooi van SevenTwenty verwachten?

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doorNederlandse Debatbond

Interview with EUDC CA: Gigi Gil

Written by Huyen Nguyen

The biggest tournament of the European Debating scene is coming up in just a few weeks: The European Debating Championships. And this year, the Netherlands is not only represented with its speakers and judges, but also on the Chief Adjudication (CA) team. Daan Welling and Gigi Gil will prepare motions that they have thought long and hard about to give you the best, and most fair, debating experience! Time for 720 reporter Huyen to ask Gigi some questions about debating, EUDC and fellow Dutchies.

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doorNederlandse Debatbond

Interview with our own EUDC CA’s Daan and Gigi

Written by Huyen Nguyen

Interview Novi Sad EUDC 2018

2018 marks the 20th installment of the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC), which will take place in Novi Sad, Serbia. At the end of July, hundreds of debaters from all across Europe will travel to the Championship to debate, party and make new friends! The Dutch delegation is of course well represented, with almost every society sending teams and judges. But, teams and judges are not the only representatives of the Dutch debating community. Daan Welling and Gigi Gil have been selected to become Deputy Chief Adjudicators of the Chief Adjudication team at Novi Sad EUDC. Both Daan and Gigi are of course famous Dutch debaters, who themselves have achieved many great things at past EUDC’s. Time to get to know them a bit more and see how they are experiencing the whole build-up for the biggest European tournament of the year. 720 reporter Huyen talked with both of them!

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doorEUDC, WUDC and WSDC Reporter

Dutch Worlds Is Over: The Results

Dutch Worlds 2017 is officially over. Part of the Dutch delegation has made its way home again, while the organisation and some volunteers are still working hard. Time for one final look at Dutch Worlds for the Dutchies.

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doorEUDC, WUDC and WSDC Reporter

Dutch Worlds: To break or not to break?

The in-rounds of Dutch Worlds are over and the Dutch delegation is anxiously awaiting the results. The teams that were still ‘live’ to break in either the Open-category or the ESL-category are: Leiden A, Leiden B, Leiden C and Maastricht A. Unfortunately, the other teams are no longer able to break. Tonight at 00:00 the results will be announced. For some the start of excessive drinking, for others the start of excitement about the out-rounds to come, for Roel probably both.

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doorEUDC, WUDC and WSDC Reporter

Dutch Worlds Has Started: Day 1

After an exciting, but tiring, first day, I bring you the first update on the Dutch delegation at Worlds. Starting with a quick recap of what happened today: we woke up at 6:30, ate breakfast and took a shower in Debater Town Kijkduin. We travelled with buses to the Haagse Hoge School, where all the debates would take place. After some briefings and fun announcements led by Senna and Tomas, it was finally debating time.

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doorEUDC, WUDC and WSDC Reporter

Getting Ready For The Big Day: The first report of the Dutch Delegation attending Dutch Worlds

Dutch Worlds has started and the delegation from the Netherlands has made an excessive effort in travelling from all provinces and small towns to attend. Normally Daan takes care of these updates, but the next couple of days I, Jelte, will keep everyone interested up to date. For the non-debaters amongst you (hi mom), a quick recap of what a WUDC is.

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doorDaan Welling

Voorbeschouwing: Het WK debatteren in Nederland!

Op dezLogo v2e fijne en warme Tweede Kerstdag is het meerendeel van Nederland aan het uitslapen na een uitgebreid Kerstdiner of rent het koopjes achterna in de IKEA. Een kleine groep Nederlanders is zich echter aan het voorbereiden op een historisch evenement: het grootste debatevenement ooit gehouden in Nederland, het Wereldkampioenschap Debatteren voor Studenten in Den Haag, Dutch WUDC 2017.

SevenTwenty blikt vooruit: wat kun je verwachten van het toernooi, wie doet ermee en hoe houden wij jullie op de hoogte?

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doorDaan Welling

Promotion: How to get involved at Dutch WUDC!

Dutch WUDC is approaching!
How to get involved

For the first time in the history of the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC), WUDC will be hosted in the Netherlands. Dutch WUDC will take place from the 27th of December 2016 to the 4th of January 2017 in The Hague. It promises to be the biggest debating event in Dutch history, with 8 days of thrilling debates and fantastic socials.
The preparation for WUDC are already on their way for more than 1,5 years, but with only 4 months to go, it is getting real! We hope that many of you Dutch debaters will be involved in Dutch WUDC. This article gives you five suggestions how you can join!

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