The Netherlands wins the European Debating Championships!

ByNederlandse Debatbond

The Netherlands wins the European Debating Championships!

After nine preliminary rounds and seven final rounds in total, two teams of the Leiden Debating Union have won the finals of the European Debating Championships! Katharina Margareta Jansen and Louis Honee did not only reach the finals for teams with English as a Second Language (ESL) but also the open finals. David Metz and Emma Lucas also reached the open finals; there were two Dutch teams in this final round!

In the end, Katharina and Louis have won the ESL finals and David and Emma are taking home the trophy for the open finals. This is an incredibly impressive achievement!

We have also kept a live blog with more information per day. Check that out here!

You can watch the ESL finals here
You can watch the open finals here
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Nederlandse Debatbond administrator