Manchester EUDC: Reports and impressions: Day 1, August 18

doorNederlandse Debatbond

Manchester EUDC: Reports and impressions: Day 1, August 18

We have all made it!

Like always arrivals day is chaotic, stressful and exciting. Some  of us were taking a train/bus coming in from London after first having been to the Imperial Summer IV, others were flying in from the Netherlands or any other country in the world.

For all of us EUDC started by queuing in front of the registration desk, where at several moments in time the line only seemed to grow longer rather than moving towards the registration desk. At check-in we were provided with our name tags (pieces of paper worth 20 pound, probably enough of an incentive not to lose them) and room keys. The entire Dutch delegation seems to be staying in student accommodation on the same street, and apart from some missing duvets, pillows, or even mattresses  and showers with hot water the rooms seem to be very nice.

The rest of the Day was spent either in the bar where registration was, chatting to friends from all over Europe, with other Dutch debaters in an other bar or wondering across Manchester. After calling it a day relatively early for most of us we are very excited to start the first round of debating!


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De Nederlandse Debatbond (NDB) stelt zich als doel het wedstrijddebat te bevorderen en ondersteunen in Nederland. Als nationaal overkoepelend orgaan vertegenwoordigt de NDB ongeveer 1.000 leden waarvan de meesten lid zijn van één van de debatverenigingen die Nederland rijk is.

Over de auteur

Nederlandse Debatbond administrator

De Nederlandse Debatbond (NDB) stelt zich als doel het wedstrijddebat te bevorderen en ondersteunen in Nederland. Als nationaal overkoepelend orgaan vertegenwoordigt de NDB ongeveer 1.000 leden waarvan de meesten lid zijn van één van de debatverenigingen die Nederland rijk is.

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Manchester EUDC: All you need to know! – Nederlandse DebatbondGeplaatst op7:28 am - aug 19, 2013

[…] Day 1: August 18. Click to read. (not yet […]

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