Manchester EUDC: updates on outrounds

doorNederlandse Debatbond

Manchester EUDC: updates on outrounds

Hier houden we bij hoe de teams het doen in de finalerondes. Ververs deze pagina regelmatig door op f5 te drukken. Toevoegingen of correcties zijn welkom in de comments. Overzicht na de lees verder.


Quarter Finals

Motion: THBT men should consistently call out and correct chauvinistic claims by friends and co-workers.”
Quarter Final 1: Danique is chair


Quarter Final 2: Simone is a judge in this Quarter


Quarter Final 3: Winners are Lund and RRIS . Karin is a judge in this Quarter.


Quarter Final 4: Winners are Groningen B and Roosevelt A

OG: Belgrade OO: Stuttgart
CG: Groningen B CO: Roosevelt


Semi Finals

Motion: THBT environmentalists should start a campaign of sabotage and property damage aimed at major polluting companies.

Semi Final 1:

OG: Tel Aviv – OO: Groningen B!!!
CG: Talinn – CO: Belgrade

Semi Final 2:

Berlin CO Lund


OG – Berlin OO – Lund
CG – Groningen!! CO – Tel Aviv

Motion: THBT that the state should not fund any works of art or performances that the average citizen would not recognize as having an artistic note.


Quarter Finals

Motion: THBT African countries should adopt English as the principal language of instruction in schools.

Quarter Final 1: Winners are Edinburgh and TCD Hist


Quarter Final 2: Winners are Cambridge A and Oxford A

OG Cambridge A OO – KCL A
CG Oxford A CO – TCD Phil A

Quarter Final 3: Winners are Durham and the team in Opening Government


Quarter Final 4: Winners are Glasgow and Nottingham


Semi Finals

Motion: This house regrets that the western media demonise Islamic terrorists rather than portraying them as criminals with legit polit grievances

Semi Final 1: Winnera are Edinburgh A and TCD Hist A

OG Edinburgh A OO – Glasgow A
CG TCD Hist A CO – Nottingham A

Semi Final 2: Winners are Oxford A and Cambridge A

OG Cambridge A OO
CG CO Oxford A

Final: Daan Welling is judging. WINNER: LUND A

OG – Edinburgh A OO – TCD Hist A
CG – Oxford A CO – Cambridge A

Motion: THW give more votes to citizens according to their performance on a current affairs test.

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De Nederlandse Debatbond (NDB) stelt zich als doel het wedstrijddebat te bevorderen en ondersteunen in Nederland. Als nationaal overkoepelend orgaan vertegenwoordigt de NDB ongeveer 1.000 leden waarvan de meesten lid zijn van één van de debatverenigingen die Nederland rijk is.

Over de auteur

Nederlandse Debatbond administrator

De Nederlandse Debatbond (NDB) stelt zich als doel het wedstrijddebat te bevorderen en ondersteunen in Nederland. Als nationaal overkoepelend orgaan vertegenwoordigt de NDB ongeveer 1.000 leden waarvan de meesten lid zijn van één van de debatverenigingen die Nederland rijk is.

7 Reacties tot nu toe

EUDC- and WUDC-reporterGeplaatst op11:31 am - aug 22, 2013

Ik kan via mijn telefoon helaas niet het bericht bewerken maar bij deze een update voorzover mogelijk.

We zitten nu in de Knight Suite de Open Kwartfinale 2 te bekijken.
The Dutch delegation is now watching the Open Quarters 2 in the Knight Suite.
Motion: THBT African countries should adopt English as primary language to teach on schools.
OG: Cambridge A, OO: KCL A, CG: Oxford A, CO: TCD Phil A.
Judges: Daan Welling (chair), Josh, John, Tom, Jeanine.

EUDC- and WUDC-reporterGeplaatst op12:41 pm - aug 22, 2013

Tijd voor de ESL Quarters!

De Nederlandse teams bevinden zich in kwartfinale 4.

Addition to last post: Tomas Beerthuis was also judging one of the Open Quarters.

The Dutch teams are in Q4

Motion: THBT man should consistently call out and correct chauvinistic claims made by friends and co-workers.

OG: Belgrade
OO: Stuttgart
CG: Groningen
CO: Roosevelt

Our Dutch judges are Danique (chair in Q1), Simone (Q2) and Karin (Q3).

EUDC- and WUDC-reporterGeplaatst op12:37 am - aug 23, 2013


ESL Semi 1:
Opening Government: Tel Aviv
Opening Opposition: GRONINGEN

ESL Semi 2:
Closing Government: Berlin
Closing Opposition: Lund

Open Semi 1:
Opening Government: Edinburgh A
Closing Government: TCD Hist A

Open Semi 2:
Opening Government: Cambridge
Closing Opposition: Oxford A

    EUDC- and WUDC-reporterGeplaatst op12:38 am - aug 23, 2013

    Van harte gefeliciteerd Stijn en Henk van Groningen voor het behalen van de finale!

    Congrats to Stijn and Henk for reaching the ESL Finals on behalf of Groningen.

    See you tomorrow for the Finals!

EUDC- and WUDC-reporterGeplaatst op2:05 pm - aug 23, 2013

ESL Finale

OG: Berlin
OO: Lund
CG: Groningen
CO: Tel Aviv

Motion: THBT the state should not fund any works of art or performances that the average citizen would not recognize as having an artistic note.

Manchester EUDC: All you need to know! – Nederlandse DebatbondGeplaatst op10:52 pm - aug 23, 2013

[…] Updates on the Dutch and other teams in the out-rounds. Click here. (not yet […]

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