In this post you can find out more about results, motions and participants of the in-rounds. Here we will keep you up to date on the break.
The break will be announced around midnight Chennai time. This means 7:30 PM Dutch time. We will keep you updated!
Judge break
We are glad to say that all of our judges broke to the outrounds. Congrats Anne, Danique, Leela and Simone!
EFL Break
Hiroki Yokoyama from Kyoto B broke on 14 points as 4th team in EFL. The actual first two teams broke ESL and are thus not allowed to break EFL. This means Hiroki would have been broken 6th but now breaks 4th.
ESL Break
1. Lund A (17 points)
2. Berlin Debating Union (16 points)
3. Belgrade B
4. Babes-Bolyai University A
5. Ben Gurion A
6. Rafael Recanati International School A
7. IBA Dhaka A
8. Babes-Bolyai University B
9. University of Zagreb A
10. IIUM B (15 points)
11. EDIS A
12. Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg A
13. Tilbury House A
14. IBA Dhaka B
15. Kyunghee Debate Society A
16. University of Belgrade C
Note: the actual first ESL team broke main. This means that the first team above is the actual second ESL team.
Open Break
LSE B breaks 12th in the Open category. Congrats to Elisabeth van Lieshout and Daniel Berman!
Check out this spreadsheet for a complete oversight of all breaks.
WUDC Council
The bid for WUDC 2016 went to Thessaloniki. Congrats to the organisation of Thessaloniki WUDC 2016! We will post more information about WUDC Council soon on Seventwenty.
We will keep you updated with results and motions every day. A further impression of the tournament will be posted on Seventwenty afterwards.
Other ways to stay up to date
Livestream is available here
Facebook also brings to you updates and pictures here
Twitter provides you with motions, results and impressions. The feed below will show the official @chennaiworlds updates, for further updates see #wudc
Tweets van @chennaiworlds
Editors note
This page will be updated by Mascha Bloemer and Karin Merckens, both are not attending WUDC and are thus not in Chennai. They rely social media for updates about these teams and kindly request your help with gathering data, in case any of you has news on any of these teams please comment below or contact either Mascha or Karin.
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