By Srdjan Miletic
Current Affairs
By current affairs I mean news on what is happening today and analysis of why it is happening and what it’s implications are. While the sources below are by no means entirely trustworthy, together they do provide a variety of viewpoints and narratives, each of which reveals an aspect of the truth which, at the very least, can be put to work in a debate.
- Major News Channels, Highly Biased
- Minor/Unknown Sources, Truly Excellent
- The Restless Realist: Excellent analysis of current IR
- The War Nerd: Brilliant analysis of wars, how they work and who is winning where
- Asia Times: An paper from Hong-kong, unknown outside than analyst community, it has decent, diverse geopolitical analysis.
- Slate Star Codex: A statistics blog, useful for cutting through spin and ideology
- Paywall/Limited Access Sources
General Knowledge
Not everything here is directly applicable to debating but the sense of perspective a well rounded knowledge of the world can give you is. These books and series are a few of my favorites.
- History/IR
- Economics
- The Undercover economist
- Bad Samaritans
- International Macroeconomics
- This may sound dry, but it is necessary. Society is based on the production and distribution of goods. Without understanding economics, it is very difficult to understand how societies function.
- Anti-Orthodox: Books to challenge your worldview
Mascha Bloemer
Mascha is een alumnus van de Amsterdamse Studentendebatvereniging Bonaparte. Zij was redacteur van SevenTwenty (2012-2013) waarna ze in 2013-2015 de rol van hoofdredacteur op zich pakte.
Over de auteur