The Debatbond presents: an online pubquiz!

ByNederlandse Debatbond

The Debatbond presents: an online pubquiz!

De Nederlandse Debatbond hosts quarterly ‘social events’. The social events are open to all members of the Dutch debating community. During these events you get to know members from other debating societies on an occasion other than a debating tournament. And of course we will have loads of fun!

On May 29, at 20:00, the Nederlandse Debatbond will organise an online pubquiz for everyone who loves to rack their brains while enjoying a drink and intriguing conversations with fellow debaters or those interested in debating. You can participate on an individual basis. Are you ready to show that you are the smartest of your debating society or even the Dutch debating community?

Further instructions as to how the event will take place and how you can participate will follow. It will likely be a combination of Kahoot and Zoom.

See you there!

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About the author

Nederlandse Debatbond administrator