Board Debatbond wanted!

ByNederlandse Debatbond

Board Debatbond wanted!

In October 2023, the board of the Debatbond will change. We are therefore looking for candidates! Below you will find the function profile and how to apply. For questions you can mail the current board at

Profile board member of Nederlandse Debatbond 2023/25

As a board member of the Debatbond, you represent the Dutch (student) debate world. You are in contact with the affiliated member societies and help them with issues that are important to them. These societies have different characteristics and issues. One society may need help in attracting more members, another may need help in organizing tournaments.

You are familiar with the Dutch debating community and know how debating societies in the Netherlands operate. You have already experienced all the issues that a board member now experiences and are therefore able to advise them well on these issues. Someone else may have been in the EUDC semifinals, but you did the things that mattered to keep a society running. On a daily basis, you have committed yourself to realize things for other people and you also have the motivation intrinsically to support the Dutch debating community on a national level.

You will form a close team for two years with a group of board members who want to lift the Dutch debate community to a higher level. You know like no other what challenges the local board members of debating societies face. You divide the tasks within the board in such a way that the daily business of the Debatbond goes smoothly. This is so that you can focus on the impact that you want to make on the Dutch debating community. You have a vision of what needs to be done but are also willing to compromise in order to ensure you cater to the entire community. You also realize that you can do more together.

The Nederlandse Debatbond is the umbrella organization of the affiliated university debating societies (and DSDC) and has approximately 1000 members. The national Debating Championships, the national board training days, SevenTwenty, meetings with the society boards and the Dutch Debating League are initiatives of the Nederlandse Debatbond. The board is appointed for two years and receives a monthly remuneration from DUO. The Debatbond also represents the Netherlands within European & global debating bodies.

What do we ask:

  • A time commitment of at least 4 hours per week for two years.
  • You have been a board member at a debating society for at least one year.
  • You have distinguished yourself organizationally or administratively during or after your board year.
  • The willingness to travel around the country for e.g. meetings and appointments with boards and external parties.
  • A demonstrated affinity with the Dutch debating community, preferably demonstrated through organizational activities.
  • That you have taken debate-related initiatives or can explain how you can contribute to this.

What we are looking for:

  • A good representation of different associations within the board. We aim for a maximum of 1 board member per association and we will select no more than 2.
  • Proven skills that are typically required for a good board member.
  • The ability to cooperate well.

What does a board position within the Debatbond offer:

  • The opportunity to have a leading role in determining the course of the Dutch debate community.
  • The opportunity to gain board experience and expand your network at a national level.
  • A monthly remuneration.

Application procedure
The interviews will take place on the last two weekends of June, in Utrecht. In case a large number of applications will be received, a pre-selection will take place based on a CV selection and/or via video call conversations. You can apply until 4 June 2023 by sending an e-mail to with a CV and a motivation letter. In the motivation letter, we would like you to include your vision for the Dutch debate community and which function(s) you’d like to fulfill. It would also be nice if you could indicate your availability for 17, 18, 24 and 25 June.

The application committee will nominate a candidate board based on the applications and will be guided by the above profile. The considerations will be discussed with the current board of the Debatbond. The general meeting has the ultimate decision as to who will form the board of 2023/25.

The application committee consists of three persons and strives to reach a unanimous decision. The three members of the committee are Michelle Moonen (current chair of the Debatbond), Amber Hirschel (current general member of the Debatbond) and Mike Weltevrede (secretary of the Debatbond in 2019-2021).

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About the author

Nederlandse Debatbond administrator